
Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter, Acts 1 & 2 Preorder Store

Created by Oneshi Press

This half-goblin half-pint's gotta save the world from zombies if he wants to save himself… What a bummer.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Tomorrow, "Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter" ENDS FOREVER!
9 months ago – Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 07:37:05 PM

Holy heck, zombie hunter!

Tomorrow is the END for Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter!

This epic zom-com trilogy finishes forever in less than 24 hours!

As a Mr. Guy fan, we thought you'd like to know that this is your LAST chance to grab these amazing rewards, plus a cornucopia of incredible add-ons!

Check this out…

So CLICK HERE to back now before it's too late!

Before it's all over, we want you to celebrate with us at our…

⌛Countdown Party!🥳

Join Jayel, Lynsey, and a boatload of the amazing artists who worked on this zom-com series live on Twitch this Friday! 

We'll be live at 6:00 MDT (that's 8:00 Eastern / 7:00 Central / 5:00 Pacific) to talk all things zombies, apocalypse, pop culture, and more…

And we'll give away apocalyptically epic prizes! 🎁🏆

You do not have to be a backer to win!

Just come say this evening on the Oneshi Press Twitch channel! 

We can't wait to see you there!

—Your friends at Oneshi Press, Lynsey & Jayel 👩‍🦰🧔

Mr. Guy #3 Just Launched!
10 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 01:40:21 PM

It’s the beginning of the end for our half-goblin half-pint hero, Mr. Guy!

We just launched of the epic finale ofMr. Guy: Zombie Hunter, a zom-com trilogy of ridiculous proportions!

Don't miss the thrilling conclusion of this zom-com trilogy of ridiculous proportions, featuring your favorite reluctant hero and his sassy spectral sidekick, Spooky, as they take on new adventures, from moldy cheese dinos to alien queens to mechanical villains and more! 

The new issue features four new main-story arcs, plus intro and outro comics and two bonus stories.

With art from Benjamin Morse, Enikő Bányász, Michel Abstracto, Shadowind, Kael McDonald, C.R. Florence, Steve Myers, Tess Langston, and more, Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter - Act 3: The Last of Itis packed full of all your favorite Mr. Guy foolishness 

And, as always, we’ll plant one tree for every backer through our ongoing reforestation partnership with

Visit the Kickstarter campaign now to reserve your copies of issues #1-#3 of Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter before the trilogy ends!


Then, celebrate with us tonight at our…

🎉 Launch Party + Free Giveaway! 🎁

Join the series creator, Jayel Draco, his editor and co-pilot, Lynsey G, and some of the artists who worked on Mr. Guy for a celebration of the Mr. Guy launch…and a free giveaway of epic proportions! 🎁🎁🎁 

We’ve got bundles of TarMucks coffee and merch to give away, and we want you to experience Mr. Guy’s favorite Cthulhu-inspired brew!

You do not have to back the Kickstarter to win one of our massive prize bundles. Just come to the live-stream and sign in so you can enter to win!

We’ll be live from 5:00 - 7:00 pm MDT (that’s 7:00 - 9:00 Eastern / 6:00 - 8:00 Central / 4:00 - 6:00 Pacific), with the giveaway happening at the very end of the stream.

See you there!

—Your friends at Oneshi Press, Lynsey & Jayel 👩‍🦰🧔

A New Fantastical Mystery for You…
over 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 02:59:14 PM

Well howdy, Mr. Guy fan!

It's been a while since we said hi, and we think there's something you'd like to know.

As a fan of Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter, you're clearly a fan of fantastical mysteries. After all, that's Mr. Guy's whole thing—trying to solve the mystery of what caused zombieism, so he can cure himself of Spooky the spectral sidekick.

Well, we've got another fabulous head-scratcher for you, and it's live RIGHT NOW on Kickstarter!


The Great Nations of Rendaraia

In Rendaraia, ancient civilizations called the Great Nations have maintained peace and prosperity for untold eons. Each of these societies is a hub of magic, science, arts, manufacturing, seafaring, or exploration.

But, suddenly, each of those Great Nations is destroyed, one by one,by an unknown enemy far more powerful than any imagined in Rendaraia before these dark times.

Who is responsible for this death and destruction? 

No one knows.

From a cave in a seaside refugee camp, the aging scholar Jan'Ka'Zian tries to write and illustrate all he remembers of the Great Nations before he, too, meets whatever fate befell his home, his husband, and everything he once held dear.

With the great cities destroyed, the smaller tribes scattered, and few survivors, Jan'Ka'Zian writes from the tenuous safety of a refugee camp by the shore, trying to preserve his memories and knowledge in text and illustrations before his time runs out

Your Time Is Running Out!⏳

Written from Jan'Ka'Zian's point of view and fully illustrated in high fantasy style by Jayel Draco, The Great Nations of Rendaraia was Oneshi Press's first book ever!

But our first edition has sold out! 

Now, we're releasing the fully remastered second edition, with updated art, refurbished text, a stunning new cover, and an all-new foreword by Ringo Award–nominated cartoonist and professor Ryan Claytor.

The campaign to fund this second edition ends tomorrow, August 31

Don't miss this chance to preorder the stunning new edition and solve the mystery of…

The Great Nations of Rendaraia

—Your friends at Oneshi Press, Jayel & Lynsey

Last Chance for a Heckin' Sweet Game!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 10:36:51 AM

As a Mr. Guy reader, you clearly thrive on fantastical adventures.

That's why we want to be sure you know that today's your LAST CHANCE to get in on Oneshi Press's latest escapade…

Children of Gaia: The Mag Tower!

This campaign offers three new ways to experience the fantasy universe of Children of Gaia, where we've already published 2 illustrated novels and 5 short comics!

Inside The Mag Tower, you'll find…

  • A fast-paced tabletop game with a beautifully illustrated game book
  • A gorgeous short comic set in the world of the game
  • A stunning coloring book of fantasy creatures, also in the world of the game
  • And heckin' lots of add-ons, stretch goals, and backer bonuses!

It all ends tonight, March 16, so now's your last chance to dive headfirst into the battle between magic and gunpowder over the powerful relics held inside the Mag Tower and guarded by elven sorcerers.

Click HERE to Visit the Campaign Now!

Thanks for your support!

—Your friends at Oneshi Press, Jayel and Lynsey

Fulfillment Is Heckin' Complete!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 12:20:46 PM

Heckin' fabulous news, Mr. Guy fam!

Fulfillment is now COMPLETE

As of this afternoon, we have shipped out all remaining rewards for Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter - Acts 1&2 via the US Postal Service!

Can we get a high five?

If you're still waiting on your physical rewards, your tracking number (if applicable—not all mail classes get those) should be waiting for you in your email inbox.

We are so heckin' excited to get these items into your hands. Please let us know when they arrive, and feel free to post images of your items! (Don't forget to tag us on social media! We're @oneshipress everywhere!)

If you have any problems or concerns, message us via Kickstarter or send us an email at [email protected]. We want to make you as happy as we possibly can, so you can enjoy this half-goblin half-pint's adventures as much as we do!

—Your friends at Oneshi Press, Jayel & Lynsey

Here's Another Project We Love!

Super Best Friend

Mattie Moore loves recording videos about superheroes. Unfortunately, one of his livestreams wrecked the life of his best friend, the superhero, Captain Terrific. Now, Mattie has entered the fantastic world of heroes and villains to repair his friendship. BUT WATCH OUT! There's a bitter archenemy out to get revenge and threaten Mattie's channel and life! Does the Super Best Friend have the power to defeat the monstrous Citizen Tyranny and save his best friend?

Click HERE to Visit "Super Best Friend'!