
Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter, Acts 1 & 2 Preorder Store

Created by Oneshi Press

This half-goblin half-pint's gotta save the world from zombies if he wants to save himself… What a bummer.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Minifigs Have Arrived + Other Fulfillment Updates!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 08:04:59 PM

Hey, Mr. Guy backer!

We're back with some awesome news about Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter!

Our rewards are beginning to arrive to Oneshi Press HQ!

The books are here, and they look devastatingly gorgeous!

The lighting for the above GIF wasn't perfect, but please trust us when we say the colors POP, the print is crisp, and we are beyond excited to get these out to you!

And just today, the Mr. Guy custom minifigs arrived, complete with their tiny TarMucks coffee cups!

We're so excited to get these dashing little gentlemen out to their owners! Not gonna lie, we're kind of dying about how cute they are. 

Right now, we are waiting on the delivery of one (1) type of sticker to begin fulfillment. (Hint: It's a sticker that A LOT of you are receiving as a freebie, or else we'd already be fulfilling. Cough cough Chibi Mr. Guy cough cough.) When that comes in, it'll be a fulfillment frenzy at Oneshi Press HQ!

We'll keep you posted about when those stickers arrive, because we'll LOCK ORDERS in order to begin shipping. So stay tuned for more from us in the coming weeks!

Till then, we hope your holiday season is off to a great start, and we'll be back in touch soon!

—Your pals at Oneshi Press, Jayel & Lynsey

Here's Another Project We Love…

Pocus Hocus: Soulless Edition

Pocus Hocus is a hilarious Faustian tale about a disillusioned magician who signed his soul over to a demon for power and fame…and now he wants it back!

This campaign ends soon, so hurry to back now!

Click HERE to Visit "Pocus Hocus"!

Preorder & Add-Ons Cards Charged + Mailing Lists Updated!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 05:25:07 PM

Hello again, Mr. Guy fam!

We wanted to let you know that, if you're a preorder store customer and/or a backer who added items to your cart in BackerKit…

We've just charged your card!

And, in other news…

You might be on our mailing list!

If you opted into one of our free, awesome mailing lists when you completed your survey, then you were added last night!

That means that, as of yesterday, you've likely begun to receive emails full of free comics and other goodies, directly from us!

(If you didn't opt in, but now you're thinking, "Free comics? That sounds great!"…You're in luck! You can opt in right now, totally free, right here!)

Be sure to check your "Spam" or "Junk" folders, since emails from new addresses sometimes end up in the wrong place. Mark our addresses as "Not Spam" to be sure they come through in the future, so you won't miss any of the free and amazing stuff we send!

Thanks for being here!

—Your pals at Oneshi Press, Jayel & Lynsey

Here's Another Campaign We Love!

Our friend Daniel Hooker—the artist who illustrated Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter, Arc 6: Midnight's Bayou—has created a fabulous coloring book we absolutely adore!

Feeling Small: Coloring Book

Feeling Small is an exploration in scale through pin-up art. When Daniel Hooker sat down to begin drawing this book, he wanted to take a look at the world from a different perspective. Each original character is created under the idea of living in a world that feels larger than life. You'll love coloring this diverse batch of characters, imagining them moving through a world that barely notices them!

Click HERE to Visit "Feeling Small"!

Digital Rewards Are Coming!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 08:01:23 PM

Well, heck, Mr. Guy backer! We've got great news!

We just started sending out your DIGITAL REWARDS for Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter - Acts 1&2! 

Maybe not barbeque time, but close!

Here's how to make sure you get yours…

If you're a Kickstarter backer who's already paid for all your rewards…your digitals are waiting for you! 

To download them, you can…

If you're a preorder customer or a Kickstarter backer who ordered add-onitems through BackerKit after the campaign…

  • We will charge your cards on Wednesday! 
  • Your digital rewards will be released to you as soon as your card is charged. 

We apologize for the extra wait time, but wanted to give you a heads-up before charging you!

If you haven't yet completed your survey…

  • Click here to log in to BackerKit and complete your survey!
  • Once your survey is finished and all charges have cleared, your digital rewards will be released to you!

No matter your personal rewards situation…

If any of your rewards are missing, please contact us via Kickstarter or at [email protected] to let us know! We want to make sure you get everything you ordered.

—Your friends at Oneshi Press, Jayel and Lynsey

Here's Another Campaign We Heckin' Love!


The last vampire in the galaxy is a detective...and he's about to face his most difficult case yet. Vampire Detective in Space is a science fiction comic book about a thousand-year-old vampire and his floating head A.I. companion solving mysteries on a giant space station in the distant future. It is a gut-wrenching drama about doomed relationships and personal discovery, with a healthy dash of comedy thrown in.

Click HERE to Visit "Vampire Detective in Space"!

We Just Planted a Tree for You!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 11:34:18 AM

Oh, no big deal, Mr. Guy fam…

We're just really excited right now, because…

We just planted 111 trees! 

One tree for each and every backer of Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter - Acts 1 & 2!

We even got a certificate to prove it!

It's all through our official partnership with One Tree Planted, an organization that plants trees all over the world, wherever they're needed, to combat climate change, restore ecosystems, and make a better world for all of us.

Since we teamed up with One Tree Planted earlier this year, we've planted 302 trees together, and we hope to plant 500 by the end of 2022.

Learn more at our donation page!

We're honored to have planted trees all over the world in the name of our backers. Thank you so much for helping us do good in the world with hilarious comics about a half-goblin zombie hunter and his re-un-dead-ified spectral sidekick!

Thanks again for being a part of our Oneshi press family. 

Now, stay tuned…digital rewards are coming soon…

Your friends at Oneshi Press, Jayel & Lynsey

Want Another Tree Planted for You?

We're planting a tree for every single backer of our Destinations Anthology

It's live right now on Kickstarter, so you can keep our forest growing by backing us at any level! Even a $1 pledge will turn into a tree!

Plus, backers can preorder our 12th anthology of short comics—DESTINATIONS! 

Featuring the workd of 30 diverse creators from around the world, DESTINATIONS contains 17 short comics about endings, arrivals, and destiny itself!

Click to Back DESTINATIONS—and Plant Another Tree!

Let the Fulfillment Commence!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 03:37:20 PM

Golly, Mr. Guy fam!

You're pretty badass. A whopping 87% of you got your surveys completed in time to be included on our thank-you page!

And that means…your names are now up on the Mr. Guy website!

Click HERE to Find Your Name on!

And, since surveys are in, we'll lock all orders that have been placed through BackerKit so far. 

Then, we'll start to put together ALL of your other rewards! Keep your eyes open for digital rewards in the next two weeks!

In the meantime, we'll keep you posted on everything we're up to, because, gosh darn it, you deserve it, you badass babe!

Safe & Swift,

—Your friends at Oneshi Press, Lynsey & Jayel

(PS - If you didn't complete your survey yet, don't despair! You can still complete yours by clicking here!)

Here's Another Campaign We Dig!


Bixby Grant is a man with no reason to live, and no way to die. Ninety years ago, Bix unleashed the Pharaoh’s Curse and was turned into a living mummy! That very night, the love of his life, Dolores, was kidnapped, and despite his best efforts, Bix couldn’t save her. She disappeared, never to be seen again. 

Then, a new client calls on Bix and convinces him to take her case; her husband, the son of a local business tycoon, has gone missing. Bix’s new client is worried for her husband’s life; there’s a full moon coming soon, and in Harbor City that means werewolves — LOTS of snarling, bloodthirsty, werewolves!

Click HERE to Visit "Bixby Grant: Private Eye"!